OYSTER BOAT TERROR PRIVACY POLICY. The Oyster Boat Terror is run by the Terror Operating Committee (“TOC”), part of The Friends of Chichester Harbour, a Registered Charity, number 1201872. TOC offers fare paying members of the public the opportunity to enjoy the experience of sailing safely in Chichester Harbour in an historic boat and to learn about the history of Emsworth, its oyster industry and its association with the harbour.
Passengers entrust the TOC with personal details as part of the process of booking a trip on the Oyster Boat Terror. For its part TOC as part of The Friends of Chichester Harbour promises;
- To use booking information only for the purposes of running the trip for which the passenger has booked. This will include passing passenger contact information to the skipper of the Oyster Boat Terror responsible for the trip and recording the information on the passenger manifest, which might be needed in the case of an emergency.
- Not to sell passengers’ data.
- Not to share passengers’ data with others for their own use.
How does TOC collect information?
Information is collected when a passenger makes a booking via the Oyster Boat Terror website. The booking form requests personal details of name(s); telephone; and email.
TOC does not collect any information about the payment method used to purchase the tickets. This is collected and used solely by our payment service provider, Stripe. Details of Stripe’s Privacy Policy can be found here: https://stripe.com/gb/privacy.
The Friends of Chichester Harbour Privacy Policy can be found here: https://friendsch.org/privacy-policy/
A passenger can request a copy of their booking data at any time and can seek confirmation that data is deleted if requested. Any request should be submitted to TOC on [email protected]. A passenger will be informed of any breach which might endanger their rights or liberties. Passengers have a right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office about any matter relating to the way in which The Friends of Chichester Harbour is handling personal data. A copy of this Privacy Policy is held on the Friends’ Website.
What does TOC and The Friends of Chichester Harbour do with your information?
Personal information provided by passengers is stored on secure systems operated by companies that have signed up to Data Protection principles. Access to that information is restricted to members of TOC and the Treasurer; Membership Secretary; Events Secretary and Admin Support of The Friends of Chichester Harbour. TOC and the Friends of Chichester Harbour will communicate with passengers from time to time to keep them informed about the Oyster Boat Terror and The Friends of Chichester Harbour’s charity work, which may include; information about future sailings of the Oyster Boat Terror, requests for financial contributions to specific projects; requests for volunteers for specific tasks; or for governance purposes. Any personal information held by TOC and The Friends of Chichester Harbour will only be retained for as long as it remains relevant to future sailings of the Oyster Boat Terror, or to meet legal requirements.
Updated Policy agreed on: 26th July 2024.